مشاوره رایگان تلفنی

مشاهده مشخصات پیام

آخرین به روز رسانی : ۲۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۹
                                        $username = 'username';
                                    $password = 'password';
                                    $api = new Payamak24api($username,$password);
                                    $sms = $api->sms('soap');
                                    $to = '09123456789';
                                    $from = '5000...';
                                    $text = 'تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ';
                                    $isFlash = false;

                                    const username = 'username';
                                    const password = 'password';
                                    const api = new Payamak24api(username,password);
                                    const sms = api.sms('soap');
                                    const to = '09123456789';
                                    const from = '5000...';
                                    const text = 'تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ';
                                    const isflash = false;
                                    sms.send(to,from,text, isflash).then(res=>{
                                        //RecId or Error Number 
                                        final String username = "username";
                                    final String password = "password";
                                    final String from = "5000...";
                                    final String to = "09123456789";
                                    final String text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    final boolean isFlash = false;
                                    SoapClient soapClient = new SoapClient(username, password);
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(new String[]{to}, from, text, isFlash);                                        
                                            const string username = "username";
                                    const string password = "password";
                                    const string from = "5000...";
                                    const string to = "09123456789";
                                    const string text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    const bool isFlash = false;
                                    SendSoapClient soapClient = new SendSoapClient();
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(username, password, new string[] { to }, from, text, isFlash);                                        

                                    Const  username As String = "username"
                                    Const  password As String = "password"
                                    Const  from As String = "5000..."
                                    Const  toNum As String = "09123456789"
                                    Const  text As String = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ "
                                    Const  isFlash As Boolean = False
                                    Dim soapClient As New SendSoapClient()
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(username, password, New String() {toNum}, from, text, isFlash)                                    

                                    let username: String = "username"
                                    let password: String = "password"
                                    let from: String = "5000..."
                                    var to1: String = "09123456789"
                                    var to2: String = "09123456789"
                                    var text: String = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ "
                                    var isFlash: Bool = false
                                    var soapClient = SoapClient(user: username, pass: password)
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(array: [to1, to2], from: from, msg: text, isFlash: isFlash)                                    

                                    NSString *username = @"username";
                                    NSString *password = @"password";
                                    NSArray *toArray = @[@"9123456789", @"9123456789"];
                                    NSString *from = @"5000...";
                                    NSString *message = @"تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    BOOL isFlash = false;
                                    SoapClient *soapClient = [[SoapClient alloc] initCred:username password:password];
                                    [soapClient SendSimpleSMS:toArray sender:from msg:message flash:isFalse];                                    

                                    username = 'username'
                                    password = 'password'
                                    api = Api(username,password)
                                    sms = api.sms('soap')
                                    to = '09123456789'
                                    _from = '5000...'
                                    text = 'تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ '
                                    response = sms.send(to,_from,text)                                    

                                    final String username = "username";
                                    final String password = "password";
                                    final String from = "5000...";
                                    final String to = "09123456789";
                                    final String text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    final boolean isFlash = false;
                                    SoapClient soapClient = new SoapClient(username, password);
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(new String[]{to}, from, text, isFlash);                                    

                                    username = 'username'
                                    password = 'password'
                                    api = Melipayamakapi.new(username,password)
                                    sms = api.sms('soap')
                                    to = '09123456789'
                                    from = '5000...'
                                    text = 'تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ '
                                    response = sms.send(to,from,text)                                    

                                    my $username = "username";
                                    my $password = "password";
                                    my $from = "5000...";
                                    my @to = ("09123456789", "09123456789" );
                                    my $text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    my $isFlash = false;
                                    my $soapClient = new SoapClient($username, $password);
                                    $soapClient->SendSimpleSMS(@to, $from, $text, $isFlash);                                    

                                    my $username = "username";
                                    my $password = "password";
                                    my $from = "5000...";
                                    my @to = ("09123456789", "09123456789" );
                                    my $text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    my $isFlash = false;
                                    my $soapClient = new SoapClient($username, $password);
                                    $soapClient->SendSimpleSMS(@to, $from, $text, $isFlash);                                    

                                    username := "username";
                                    password := "password";
                                    from := "5000...";
                                    to := []string {"09123456789", "09123456789"};
                                    text := "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ ";
                                    isFlash := false;
                                    SendSimpleSMS(username, password, to, from, text, isFlash);                                    

                                    val username = "username"
                                    val password = "password"
                                    val from = "5000..."
                                    val to = "09123456789"
                                    val text = "تست وب سرویس پیامک ۲۴ "
                                    val isFlash = false
                                    val soapClient = SoapClient(username, password)
                                    soapClient.SendSimpleSMS(arrayOf(to), from, text, isFlash)                                    

                                    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                                Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
                                Content-Length: length
                                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
                                    <SendSimpleSMSResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <SendSimpleSMSResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <SendSimpleSMSResult> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </SendSimpleSMSResult> </SendSimpleSMSResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

آدرس وب‌سرویس


متد GetMessagesReceptions

از این متد برای مشاهده مشخصات پیام (شماره موبایل، تاریخ و recid) استفاده می‌شود

پارامتر های ورودی

نام پارامترنوع پارامترتوضیحات
UsernameStringنام کاربری مربوط به حساب کاربر
PasswordStringکلمه عبور مربوط به حساب کاربر
msgIdsIntId مربوط پیام موردنظر
fromRowsIntشماره ردیف(برای مشاهده کلیه پیامهای کدموردنظر پیشنهاد می‌گردد ۰ درنظر گرفته شود

مقدار بازگشتی

نام پارامترنوع پارامترتوضیحات
ReturnValueList of ClassMessagesBL[]